Monday, June 18, 2012


hmm, last four days was my birthday. its was not big. not everyone remember it. but i don't mind. I'm getting old anyway.. soon I'll be in two series. I feel odd right now. good birthday should get you feel younger not odd. but why do I felt odd? maybe I'm not a nice person. you know. Allah always gave a very good memory to good people. i guess,  I not one of them. now, I feel empty. why? I don't know why. maybe its because i built a big wall around me so that people can't get through. I don't have confident. yes, I'm a loser. its okay. I'm not ashamed. I just need to changed. but, can I changed? why do i feel so sensitive? is it because I'm getting old? am I too fragile? because lately I don't feel secure when I'm around 'him'. yes, that's it. I'm fragile. too fragile. I'm a loser. i guess, 19 sucks.