Friday, May 18, 2012


okay, from today onwards I'll be writing in English. it'll be hard but I will try my best.

so, today lets talk about trust. how do you trust someone? well actually I know how to trust someone. that's stupid. okay lets try that again, how you find someone that is qualify enough to trust? someone that you really love? or what? I think most of us trust people by this influence. why? well basically because when you love someone you will started to trust them with all your heart. but are you really sure that you must trust them? by love person i mean family, friends, and also your 'I love you so much' person. but is it really worth it to trust them? even our parents lied to us sometimes, the people that you trust most. so what to do? well actually when it comes to trust the person that you love, you will automatically trust them with all your heart. no one could run from them. you see, you trust them not because of the words the say, but because of the love you have for them. if you don't believe me, then why when your friends tell you some really cool or amazing story you will believe everything about the story even sometimes it doesn't make any sense? or, when you ask your 'love' one where are they, and they say that they are at home when you actually see them at Secret Recipe eating Blueberry cheese cake and said to yourself, "oh, that person just look like Abu/Aminah" and even though you saw them with your own naked eyes. ridiculous.
that because, love is greater than trust..